
dental health

Breastfeeding and Dental Health

Breastfeeding and Dental Health

Breastfeeding allows a mother to provide nourishment for their infant, and it adds to the bonding between them. It also bolsters a baby’s resistance to infections and diseases. And in relation to dentistry, breastfeeding promotes good oral health. Studies show that...

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Oral Health and Pregnancy

Oral Health and Pregnancy

Have you ever heard someone say a nursing infant looks just like their mother or father, perhaps calling them a “spitting image”? A child takes on traits from their parents; it’s natural. Even so, it might be surprising to learn that an infant’s oral health can also...

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Vitamins and Oral Health

Vitamins and Oral Health

One of the best things you can do for your body is feed it a healthy diet. Thus it stands to reason that one of the best things you can do for your oral health is eat well. Even so, teeth and gums benefit from different vitamins than your stomach or heart. But before...

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Are You at High Risk for Cavities?

Are You at High Risk for Cavities?

Over 60% of children and adults in the United States deal with tooth decay and gum disease, and some individuals are more susceptible than others. So, how can you calculate your risk level? The Placerville Dental Group can help you determine that risk based on factors...

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Men and Dentists

Men and Dentists

Regular preventive dental care is important for everyone, but studies have shown that men are more likely to neglect their health and ignore negative symptoms. While “If it isn't broke...” may apply to cars and appliances, it doesn't work when it comes to your health!...

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Aging and Dental Health

Aging and Dental Health

Keep Your Teeth! Some people believe that part of aging is losing teeth, but this doesn't have to be true! Plenty of older adults keep their teeth their entire life! Teeth can last a lifetime, if they are taken care of well. As we age, it’s natural to experience...

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Pucker Up!

Pucker Up!

Kissing and Oral Health Human lips are uniquely designed to kiss and we often kiss our loved ones without a second thought. The lips contain some of the most sensitive nerve endings in our bodies, triggering unique chemical responses when we kiss that special someone....

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Are Lemons Souring Your Teeth?

Are Lemons Souring Your Teeth?

Facts About Citrus and Your Dental Health Lemons — they’re getting into everything! For years people have added a small slice of lemon to their ice tea or drinking water. That small amount is not likely to damage your tooth enamel. However, lately the habit of adding...

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