Free Second Opinions

Free Second OpinionsHas your dentist told you that you need a dental procedure but you’re wondering if it’s truly necessary? This is a great time to get second opinion. The great news is, Placerville Dentistry offers free second opinions!

Contact us to schedule an exam being sure to inform us that it is for a second opinion. At your scheduled appointment, bring along your current dentist’s recommendations for treatment. Our dentists will perform a full exam, which may include radiographs or other images if needed, all for free! When your exam is complete, our dentists will provide their thoughts on what procedures are actually needed to keep your smile and you healthy.

Then, it’s up to you! Since our free second opinions come with no obligation, you are welcome to return to your previous dentist for treatment, or if you prefer, you are welcome to receive treatment at our state of the art Placerville office. Our ultimate goal is to help you feel comfortable with whatever treatment will best serve your long term needs. If you have any questions about our free second opinions program or would like to schedule an appointment, contact us by calling (530) 444-5322 or by clicking the appointment request link below.

Schedule a Free Second Opinion Consultation

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