The loss of the tooth always has consequences. These are different if the tooth is a baby or primary tooth, compared to an adult or permanent tooth. Why is this difference important?
How important is oral health during pregnancy? How can you instill good oral habits in your children? At what age should your little one first visit a dentist? Review the answers to your questions here!
Dealing with Dental Trauma
What is dental trauma and how can you prevent it? Here we present the most common forms of dental trauma for children and adults and prevention ideas.
Sleep Through Your Dental Visits
Sleep dentistry, oral conscious sedation, sedation dentistry – it all means stress-free dental visits without fear of needles or instruments. Find out more here!
The Worst Possible Candy
There are sticky candies, sour candies, and long-lasting candies. What kind of candy is the worst for your teeth? Our dentist provides the answer!
Dolphin Dentition on Porpoise
Who can resist the beautiful smile of a dolphin or porpoise? One look at that toothy grin and our hearts melt! While we don’t clean dolphin or porpoise teeth, we do specialize in human teeth. Contact our team today to protect and beautify your smile.
Help for the Reluctant Dental Patient
Most people do not mind visiting their family dentist, but some patients have an unwillingness to get their dental checkups regularly. There is no single reason for this type of reluctance – causes vary, and stem from a variety of sources. At the Placerville Dental...
Dental Sealants and Children
The average American child’s health is a consequence of the average American diet. Sodas and junk food are staples in some households, and it’s common practice to entice children to do a chore with the reward of candy or ice cream. Besides leading to excessive weight...
Children, Chemicals and Cavities
Our modern world offers plenty of conveniences and technological advances. Unfortunately, they sometimes result in unforeseen harm. A recent study by researchers at the West Virginia University School of Dentistry identified a link between a certain chemical Americans...
Breastfeeding and Dental Health
Breastfeeding allows a mother to provide nourishment for their infant, and it adds to the bonding between them. It also bolsters a baby’s resistance to infections and diseases. And in relation to dentistry, breastfeeding promotes good oral health. Studies show that...
Game On!
Can Gaming Technology Help Children Maintain Oral Health? While many adults are still coming to terms with modern technology, younger generations use it like spoons in breakfast cereal. Toddlers use their parents cell phones with amazing capability. In fact, many...
Oral Health and Pregnancy
Have you ever heard someone say a nursing infant looks just like their mother or father, perhaps calling them a “spitting image”? A child takes on traits from their parents; it’s natural. Even so, it might be surprising to learn that an infant’s oral health can also...
What is “The Bacteria that Causes Bad Breath”?
Defining the Worst of the Worst Since you were a child, you have heard advertising and comments about “the bacteria that causes bad breath.” Mouthwash advertising especially enjoys this phrase, and we even used it in our last blog article about helpful oral bacteria....
What is Prophylaxis?
pro•phy•lax•is: measures designed to preserve health and prevent the spread of disease." — Mirriam-Webster Dictionary Prophylaxis sounds scary, but it is actually one of the most important procedures in dentistry for preventing frightening problems of the mouth....
Dental Diastemas
Mind the Gap? You don’t hear the word diastema in everyday conversation, but the condition is more common than you might think. Diastema is a dental term referring to a gap, or gaps, between the teeth. It’s a normal feature in humans – in fact, during medieval times,...
The Importance of Dental Checkups
Isn’t Daily Oral Hygiene Enough? Twice a year, every six months, semi-annually, no matter how you describe it, you should visit dentist at least two times every year. Yes, we already ask you to brush twice a day, and use floss daily. Isn’t that plenty of tooth...