Human teeth play a vital role in chewing, speaking, and overall oral health. Each tooth contains multiple layers and distinct parts, each with a specific role in maintaining function and health. Let’s learn about these layers and how to maintain them properly!
Oral Health
If oral health is your main concern, then this section is written just for you! How often should you brush, why is flossing important, and does mouthwash really matter? We answer questions not only on adult dental health but infant, child, and pet dental health as well.
Preventive Dental Care
Taking care of your teeth is something you do every day, not just every six months. Find out more about how to make oral health care the complete package.
Are You Considering a New Dentist?
Finding a new dentist is something you should not put off! For whatever reason, selecting your new dentist is an important task that should be done ASAP. Here are the questions to consider in your search.
The Evolution of Toothpicks
Toothpicks are one of the oldest dental cleaning tools, dating back thousands of years. Today, they are a common tool in dental hygiene used in households and restaurants worldwide. This article explores the history of toothpicks, the materials they are made from today, and the types most recommended by dental professionals.
Curing Toothaches
Toothaches are caused by a variety of factors, but the important thing is that none of them are good. A toothache will never cure itself long-term. If you are suffering from a toothache, give us a call today to get it fixed!
Orthodontia for Adults?
Braces aren’t just for children and teens, but also for adults. The Placerville Dental Group offers clear aligners for the treatment of adult issues with teeth. Find out more about how we can help you achieve the smile you’ve always wanted!
What to Do for Wounded Gums
Bleeding gums can cause quite the scare! Worry not. Here are some simple tips to help determine the cause and how to find relief. And always know, the caring team at Placerville Dental Group are here to help.
Water Flossers and Dental Health
What should you know about the Waterpik and other water flossers? We look at the benefits of using these devices and discuss whether you can stop using floss.
Water and Dental Health
The average adult is advised to consume between 90 and 120 ounces of water daily. Does the type of water your drink have an impact on your oral health? Some have remarkable benefits, others are less than optimal for your dental health. Here we describe the difference.
Dealing with Dental Trauma
What is dental trauma and how can you prevent it? Here we present the most common forms of dental trauma for children and adults and prevention ideas.
Emergency Dentistry – Damaged Dental Fillings
Damaged fillings or fillings that fall out qualify as a dental emergency. Call the Placerville Dental Group at the first sign of trouble with a filling.
The Worst Possible Candy
There are sticky candies, sour candies, and long-lasting candies. What kind of candy is the worst for your teeth? Our dentist provides the answer!
The Kidney Disease and Gum Disease Connection
Kidney disease and gum disease are connected. One makes the other worse, and vice versa, while improving one also improves the other. Find out how we can help!
The Gum Disease and Arthritis Connection
Research by Johns Hopkins University suggests that some forms of rheumatoid arthritis may be linked to oral bacteria causing gum disease. Your dentist can help!
Keeping Our Patients and Staff Safe
Health and safety are part of the whole purpose of visiting the dentist. We do our best to preserve both for our patients and our staff. Learn more here.