Human teeth play a vital role in chewing, speaking, and overall oral health. Each tooth contains multiple layers and distinct parts, each with a specific role in maintaining function and health. Let’s learn about these layers and how to maintain them properly!
Dental Facts
Are You Considering a New Dentist?
Finding a new dentist is something you should not put off! For whatever reason, selecting your new dentist is an important task that should be done ASAP. Here are the questions to consider in your search.
ClearCorrect and Invisalign
Are you considering orthodontics using clear aligners? We have some great options for you! In this article we consider some of the primary similarities and differences between ClearCorrect and Invisalign.
The History of Orthodontics
Ever wonder just where orthodontics got its’ start? The evolution of orthodontics is a fascinating story, spanning from primitive beginnings to its current status as a cutting-edge field in dental medicine. Find out more here!
Dealing with Dental Trauma
What is dental trauma and how can you prevent it? Here we present the most common forms of dental trauma for children and adults and prevention ideas.
Dental Insurance for Placerville
Dental insurance makes it easier to pay for emergency and regular dental treatment. Find out more about the insurance we accept. Need help selecting the right plan? We can assist with that too!