oral health

Your oral health is important to your overall health. Bacteria left in the mouth can effect your immune system. Ensure a healthy mouth by choosing the right types of food and beverage, practicing good dental hygiene, and scheduling regular visits with your dentist!

Breastfeeding and Dental Health

Breastfeeding and Dental Health

Breastfeeding allows a mother to provide nourishment for their infant, and it adds to the bonding between them. It also bolsters a baby’s resistance to infections and diseases. And in relation to dentistry, breastfeeding promotes good oral health. Studies show that...

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Talk About Tongues

Talk About Tongues

Oral health involves every component of your mouth – your teeth, jaws, and ligaments, as well as your gums and soft tissues. It also involves your muscles, including the ones that make up your tongue. Proper oral health and care means maintaining the well-being of all...

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The Best Part of the Fifth Food Group?

The Best Part of the Fifth Food Group?

In the month of February, billions of dollars are spent on a single food all around the world. The same thing happens in the United States during October. We eat this food by itself, offer it as a flavor choice, or use it as a garnish. We mix it with some foods,...

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Vitamins and Oral Health

Vitamins and Oral Health

One of the best things you can do for your body is feed it a healthy diet. Thus it stands to reason that one of the best things you can do for your oral health is eat well. Even so, teeth and gums benefit from different vitamins than your stomach or heart. But before...

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Are You at High Risk for Cavities?

Are You at High Risk for Cavities?

Over 60% of children and adults in the United States deal with tooth decay and gum disease, and some individuals are more susceptible than others. So, how can you calculate your risk level? The Placerville Dental Group can help you determine that risk based on factors...

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Practice the Daily 4

Practice the Daily 4

October presents the fourth annual National Dental Hygiene month campaign, brought to you by the ADHA (American Dental Hygiene Association). Since every October ends with a lot of candy eating, it’s the perfect time to discuss how our Placerville dentistry patients...

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Take Care of Your Teeth When Sick

Take Care of Your Teeth When Sick

It’s that time of year when we hear reminders to get flu shots against the upcoming “flu season.” According to the Centers for Disease Control, the flu threat becomes greater as early as October and lasts until May. It’s recommended that everyone, young and old, get a...

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Breastfeeding and Cavities

Breastfeeding and Cavities

Pediatricians recommend breastfeeding for at least six months and up to a year, if possible. Many mothers even choose to breastfeed their babies much longer. Breastfeeding is believed to improve the likelihood of proper jaw development, eliminating the need for wisdom...

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Aging and Dental Health

Aging and Dental Health

Keep Your Teeth! Some people believe that part of aging is losing teeth, but this doesn't have to be true! Plenty of older adults keep their teeth their entire life! Teeth can last a lifetime, if they are taken care of well. As we age, it’s natural to experience...

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