Why Do Children Have Jagged Teeth?

Why Do Children Have Jagged Teeth?

A few articles ago, we discussed teething when a baby’s teeth come in and dealing with any pain during the process. Let’s now talk about permanent teeth. The first permanent tooth arrives after much wiggling of the loose baby tooth by the excited child (or parent)....
Propel Your Orthodontics

Propel Your Orthodontics

Make Orthodontics Work Faster Are you or a family member considering orthodontics? Understandably, most patients say, “The sooner the braces are off, the better!” Our dentists at the Placerville Dental Group couldn’t agree more! Propel is an orthodontic treatment...
Hairy Tongue

Hairy Tongue

Hairy tongue is a dental condition that is exactly as it sounds. People with hairy tongue do in fact have a tongue that seems hairy. Thankfully, there are treatments for hairy tongue, available from our Placerville dentists. Signs of Hairy Tongue Symptoms of hairy...