
tooth decay

Tooth decay is a result of acid produced by a plaque buildup on the teeth. A good diet, regular dental hygiene, and scheduled visits with your dentist can help you avoid problems resulting in tooth decay.

Don’t Let Tooth Decay Creep Up On You

Don’t Let Tooth Decay Creep Up On You

October is over, but candy is still on the minds of many, including the dentists and hygienists at the Placerville Dental Group. Our Placerville dental professionals want you and your family to avoid the ghoulish results of tooth decay that haunt you long after...

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Prevent Early Childhood Caries

Prevent Early Childhood Caries

Many parents do not realize that even healthy food and drinks like milk, breast milk, formula and fruit juice have naturally occurring sugars that contribute to the tooth decay process. When children go to bed with a bottle containing milk or carry around a sippy cup...

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How to Handle Holiday Treats

How to Handle Holiday Treats

Teeth and sugar do not get along, but some candies are worse for teeth than others. How can you keep yourself and your kids healthy during the candy and dessert surge at the end of the year? Here are some tips from our dentists at the Placerville Dental Group. If you...

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What to Do for Healthy Teeth

What to Do for Healthy Teeth

Give Children a Good Start Having a healthy mouth isn't complicated, but training children to have healthy dental habits can be challenging. The importance of oral health for youngsters is emphasized by California law, which requires a dental check-up before they...

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Drool and You

Drool and You

Saliva is an essential fluid for maintaining your oral health. What is it and how is it made? Saliva is secreted by the salivary glands (a microscopic view is shown) in your mouth and throat. The primary glands are called the parotid, submandibular, and sublingual...

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Creating Smart-Mouthed Teenagers

Creating Smart-Mouthed Teenagers

Growing Bodies, Eroding Teeth At a time when teenagers need high-density nutrition for their growing bones and bodies, what they often consume is energy drinks, sodas, fast food, chips, and other high fat, high sugar foods. When diets high in sugar and fat replace...

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How to Avoid Cavities

How to Avoid Cavities

Cavities — Enemies of your Teeth! What is plaque and tartar and why is it important to keep up a daily oral care routine? Excess plaque and tartar are breeding grounds for bacteria waiting to capitalize on any lapse in brushing and flossing. Just twenty minutes or so...

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Xylitol and You

Xylitol and You

Sugar-free Sweetener Prevents Cavities Our website has previously discussed the benefits of xylitol gum in preventing cavities. In this article, our Placerville dentists would like to explain why xylitol improves your oral health and introduce an additional source for...

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