
Summer Is Smile Time

Summer Is Smile Time

School is almost out for the summer. That's a reason to smile! What are a few other reasons why summer time is a good time to visit the Placerville Dental Group? More Appointment Opportunities With school out, there’s no worrying about squeezing in dental exams and...

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Treat Snoring Without CPAP

Treat Snoring Without CPAP

Can our Placerville dentists really help end snoring and reduce sleep apnea symptoms? We can and it's easier than you think! When many people hear about sleep apnea, they immediately think of CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) machines and sleeping with a mask...

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Placerville Oral Cancer Screening

Placerville Oral Cancer Screening

Why do our Placerville dentists perform an oral cancer screening at every routine dental exam? Because cancer screening is easy to do, painless and can save your life! With some simple steps and understanding about the risks for oral cancer, our Placerville Dental...

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Bad Dental Health Habits

Bad Dental Health Habits

The Placerville Dental Group has a few tips to help our patients maintain their oral health indefinitely. Besides seeing us regularly for your oral exam and cleaning, as well as brushing and flossing, what else can you do to keep your mouth healthy? Break bad dental...

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Treating an Oral Abscess

Treating an Oral Abscess

A dental abscess can be excruciatingly painful. Usually found in infected gum tissue or in the roots of infected teeth, an abscess is formed when pus cannot drain from the jaw or oral cavity. Without proper care and treatment from one of our Placerville dentists, this...

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