Human teeth play a vital role in chewing, speaking, and overall oral health. Each tooth contains multiple layers and distinct parts, each with a specific role in maintaining function and health. Let’s learn about these layers and how to maintain them properly!
Oral Maintenance
Maintenance…sounds like a chore, right? Read about easy tips on dental maintenance such as what type of toothbrush you should use, how to avoid cavities, and how often you should visit the dentist.
Flossing Habits for Children
You have your child brush at least twice a day and you limit the amount of sweets they eat or drink. But what about flossing? Is it really that important to floss ‘baby’ or ‘primary’ teeth? Here we explain the benefits of flossing and how to make it fun for your child.
Preventive Dental Care
Taking care of your teeth is something you do every day, not just every six months. Find out more about how to make oral health care the complete package.
Are You Considering a New Dentist?
Finding a new dentist is something you should not put off! For whatever reason, selecting your new dentist is an important task that should be done ASAP. Here are the questions to consider in your search.
The Evolution of Toothpicks
Toothpicks are one of the oldest dental cleaning tools, dating back thousands of years. Today, they are a common tool in dental hygiene used in households and restaurants worldwide. This article explores the history of toothpicks, the materials they are made from today, and the types most recommended by dental professionals.
Water Flossers and Dental Health
What should you know about the Waterpik and other water flossers? We look at the benefits of using these devices and discuss whether you can stop using floss.
Sleep Through Your Dental Visits
Sleep dentistry, oral conscious sedation, sedation dentistry – it all means stress-free dental visits without fear of needles or instruments. Find out more here!
Dolphin Dentition on Porpoise
Who can resist the beautiful smile of a dolphin or porpoise? One look at that toothy grin and our hearts melt! While we don’t clean dolphin or porpoise teeth, we do specialize in human teeth. Contact our team today to protect and beautify your smile.
Woven or Waxed Floss?
Choosing a favorite dental floss is a personal decision that is often times even more complex than the type of toothbrush we prefer. Find out more about waxed versus woven floss to know which one is best for you.
When Dentures Go Dull
Dentures can be stained by ordinary foods containing natural pigments. What’s the best way to keep your dentures bright and clean while you enjoy the foods and drinks you love? Our dentists provide the answer.
What Are Your Fillings Filled With?
We want to make sure you get the best dental care available for your teeth and gums. That’s why we offer composite fillings for dental cavities instead of metal amalgam. Why the change when metal used to be so popular for fillings? Find out here!
The Dental Engine
Have you heard of a dental engine? What is it, and how does it help the team at Placerville Dental Group to provide you with excellent dental care? Find out here!
Alternative Payment Assistance
In this article we discuss two methods of paying for dental procedures that go beyond the recommendation to have dental insurance.
One Stop for Dental Services
You don’t need to look any further than the Placerville Dental Group to get the best options for healthy teeth and gums – as well as a fantastic smile. We are a general dentistry practice. What does that mean for you, our client, or someone interested in our services? Find out!
Keeping Our Patients and Staff Safe
Health and safety are part of the whole purpose of visiting the dentist. We do our best to preserve both for our patients and our staff. Learn more here.