Alternative Payment Assistance

It’s no secret that most certain dental procedures have a price tag attached, and sometimes the price gets expensive. The cost of avoiding a needed dental procedure, however, poses a higher risk to your health and well-being. Dental insurance does a wonderful job helping with the cost of dental procedures. For some patients, a little more help would certainly be appreciated. Thankfully, the Placerville Dental Group works with several methods to provide that extra help. Let’s discuss two of them.

What is an FSA?

A Flexible Spending Account, or FSA, is an option commonly offered by companies for their staff and employees. A specified amount is taken out of a person’s wages or salary and held in a special account for use with out-of-pocket health care expenses. You have access to the listed amount as soon as the term begins, so in that sense it’s like an annual medical loan, without any interest costs. Money in your FSA can help pay for urgent medical or dental procedures, prescriptions, deductibles, copayments, or medical equipment, but not for insurance premiums.

You don’t pay taxes on the money kept in an FSA, which reduces your annual tax liability. Many people don’t spend enough on their medical bills to require an itemized deduction, so the option of an FSA provides the same benefit without the additional paperwork. Most FSA options offer limited annual rollover benefits, which means you need to use the money in the FSA by the end of the year or it may go away (even so, you still get the tax benefits). In 2022 you can take as much as $2,850 from your annual salary to be placed in an FSA, which really helps with medical and dental benefits throughout the year. But once the specified funds for an FSA are used, a “refill” of funds is not allowed until the following year.

What is CareCredit?

The Placerville Dental Group offers a form of in-office financing through a company called CareCredit. CareCredit is like a credit card, but its use is restricted to healthcare options only. It has no up-front costs, no pre-payment penalties, no annual fees, and no interest when paid in full within a specified time. You usually get an immediate response to your application, and with a few simple questions, you can find out if you prequalify for a given amount without an impact on your credit score. The CareCredit website also offers a payment calculator to find out how much your monthly cost would be for any amount.

Invest in Your Oral Health

The Placerville Dental Group wants your teeth and gums to be as healthy as possible, and for your smile to reach its full potential. Don’t let the perception of costly procedures stop you from getting the help you need. Give the Placerville Dental Group a call, or schedule an appointment online. Together, we’ll discover the best ways to provide the oral care that you and your family need.

Jun 2, 2022 | Oral Maintenance


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