oral cancer

Men and Dentists

Men and Dentists

Regular preventive dental care is important for everyone, but studies have shown that men are more likely to neglect their health and ignore negative symptoms. While “If it isn't broke...” may apply to cars and appliances, it doesn't work when it comes to your health!...

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Placerville Oral Surgery Questions Answered

Placerville Oral Surgery Questions Answered

Surgery — it's a frightening word for some. Nevertheless, oral surgery is often needed to restore dental health. When you're the patient, you probably will have questions, so our local Placerville dentists want to answer some of those that are frequently asked. When...

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Placerville Oral Cancer Screening

Placerville Oral Cancer Screening

Why do our Placerville dentists perform an oral cancer screening at every routine dental exam? Because cancer screening is easy to do, painless and can save your life! With some simple steps and understanding about the risks for oral cancer, our Placerville Dental...

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The Symptoms and Risks for Oral Cancer

The Symptoms and Risks for Oral Cancer

Things You Need to Know About Oral Cancer Visiting our Placerville dentists every six months is good for your mouth. An additional and potentially life-saving benefit to regular dental cleanings and exams is the opportunity to have our dental professionals check for...

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How Smoking Affects Oral Health

How Smoking Affects Oral Health

Tobacco use may be one of the biggest risk factors in the development of periodontal disease.” — David A. Albert, D.D.S., M.P.H., associate professor at the Columbia University College of Dental Medicine According to the US Department of Health and Human Services,...

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Avoid Oral Cancer Risks

Avoid Oral Cancer Risks

The staff of the Placerville Dental Group cares about your health. One major form of disease often diagnosed first by dentists is oral cancer. The American Cancer Society estimates that in 2015 over 45,000 Americans were diagnosed with oral cancer and almost nine...

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Sticking Up for Your Tongue

Sticking Up for Your Tongue

You Don't Have to Stick Your Neck Out to Care for This Important Organ Our last article sang the virtues of your incredible tongue. It helps you eat, chew, swallow, talk, sip, slurp and sing. It is one of the most used muscles in your body, so keeping your tongue...

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