
Is Dental Sedation Safe for Children?

Is Dental Sedation Safe for Children?

The Placerville Dental Group works with parents to make sure their children receive the best dental care because we understand safety is very important. This includes selecting the right dental sedation option when your child needs oral surgery. Dental sedation is...

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Prevent Early Childhood Caries

Prevent Early Childhood Caries

Many parents do not realize that even healthy food and drinks like milk, breast milk, formula and fruit juice have naturally occurring sugars that contribute to the tooth decay process. When children go to bed with a bottle containing milk or carry around a sippy cup...

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What to Do for Healthy Teeth

What to Do for Healthy Teeth

Give Children a Good Start Having a healthy mouth isn't complicated, but training children to have healthy dental habits can be challenging. The importance of oral health for youngsters is emphasized by California law, which requires a dental check-up before they...

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Raising a Good Brusher and Flosser

Raising a Good Brusher and Flosser

Helping Children Brush their Teeth Healthy teeth last a lifetime, and that’s why establishing a good dental routine with your child is essential. As soon as your baby gets his or her teeth, they need daily care and that is your job as a mom, dad or caregiver. Start...

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Fluoride is Beneficial!

Fluoride is Beneficial!

Fluoride — A Tooth's Best Friend Forever Fluoride is one of the best friends your teeth can ever have for the following reasons: Fluoride fights the growth of harmful oral bacteria. Fluoride helps repair enamel damaged by oral bacteria. Enamel repaired by with...

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