DIY Gone Wrong

When Home Dentistry Fails

DIY (Do-It-Yourself) projects have always been extremely popular, and the Internet has made them omnipresent. Many websites and television channels are dedicated strictly to DIY projects. Just google “DIY” and see how many options pop up! As a result, many products are available for online ordering to help you with personal improvements. The idea is that if you don’t have to rely on a professional, you can save some money. Unfortunately, many who order dental products online find that the results are much less than they expected. In some cases, the issue even becomes worse! If that happens to you, what can you do?

Report DIY Fails

The DIY dental industry is growing rapidly, but not all DIY products are effective — let alone legitimate. The Food and Drug Administration wants to know about faulty products, services, or procedures from online sources. Whether the product had no affect at all, or it caused damage to your teeth or gums, the FDA wants to hear about these issues so they can keep ineffective or damaging products away from the public. Contact the FDA using this website.

The experts on dental issues, products and services are with the American Dental Association (ADA). The ADA does not suggest what is now referred to as DIY dentistry. They highly recommend that you leave the inspection, repair, and improvement of your dental health under the management of a qualified dentist.

Thankfully, the doctors and staff at the Placerville Dental Group fit that description. We all have the proper training, equipment, and certifications to provide top-notch dental care. We also have many years of experience, keeping up to date with all the latest and best techniques and technologies. All of this can be verified with documentation and evidence — something that online sources of dental DIY almost never offer.

Prevent DIY Failures

If you see an offer for a specific product or service and are interested in trying it out, give us a call or schedule an appointment to discuss the subject. Bring in the ad and show it to us. What interests you about it? There might not be anything to worry about, or your dental circumstances might be incompatible with the product or service. Then again, perhaps we know of a better, safer, higher-quality option that will work for you with minimal cost.

Here’s the point: use our knowledge, experience, and training to your advantage. Talk to us about any DIY options that catch your interest. Don’t try to cut corners with your health or your teeth! Let’s work together to make sure you have the best teeth possible for the rest of your life.


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