Can I Use Mouthwash Instead of Brushing? The Placerville Dental Group consistently recommends that you brush your teeth for two minutes, twice a day. We also encourage flossing your teeth to get at the areas your toothbrush cannot reach. Another tool we may suggest is...
oral bacteria
What is “The Bacteria that Causes Bad Breath”?
Defining the Worst of the Worst Since you were a child, you have heard advertising and comments about “the bacteria that causes bad breath.” Mouthwash advertising especially enjoys this phrase, and we even used it in our last blog article about helpful oral bacteria....
The Power of Probiotics
Putting Helpful Bacteria to Work in Your Mouth In recent years, the word probiotics has increased in popularity around the subject of dentistry. In part, this is due to research undertaken in the last decade that shows how probiotics help improve and maintain oral...
Dental Decay and Risk of Stroke
May is American Stroke Month in the United States. It is noteworthy to mention that May is also High Blood Pressure Awareness Month. These significant health conditions often go together. Dr. Jeffrey Saver, quoted on the American Heart Association website says,...
Better Breath and Bacteria
Is There a Connection? With a lot of things, the terms “bad” and “good” are pretty subjective. But when it comes to our breath, we all know “bad” breath is really bad. What you last ate contributes to the breath scent, as do your oral hygiene habits. Overall health is...
Xylitol and You
Sugar-free Sweetener Prevents Cavities Our website has previously discussed the benefits of xylitol gum in preventing cavities. In this article, our Placerville dentists would like to explain why xylitol improves your oral health and introduce an additional source for...