Damaged fillings or fillings that fall out qualify as a dental emergency. Call the Placerville Dental Group at the first sign of trouble with a filling.
A cavity is a part of a tooth that has been deteriorated by bacteria and acids. Cavities are painful and can lead to gum disease and tooth loss. You can lower your risk for cavities with regular oral hygiene, healthy diet, and regular exercise.
What Are Your Fillings Filled With?
We want to make sure you get the best dental care available for your teeth and gums. That’s why we offer composite fillings for dental cavities instead of metal amalgam. Why the change when metal used to be so popular for fillings? Find out here!
Retain Your Teeth!
What Leads to Tooth Loss and How to Prevent It When a child shows off their loose tooth, their level of excitement is often shared by their parents. And when others see the gap in their tooth line, they sometimes feel a measure of nostalgia or adoration as the loss of...
Confronting Cavities
“But I’ve never had a cavity before!” You might be astounded how many times patients make that comment when they come to see us at the Placerville Dental Group. We understand — you might have gone years or decades without a single issue with your teeth. In fact, you...
Resist Tooth Decay!
You don’t need to wait for the final episode in the Star Wars Skywalker saga to see a battle going on. A Resistance is taking place right under your nose! Every day and every hour, bacteria and germs attack teeth and gums, trying to overtake your mouth. They get...
Avoiding Cavities
When people think about mouth problems they want to avoid, the two most common are bad breath and cavities. We don’t like bad breath because it offends others. We don’t like cavities because they’re a pain – literally. Not only that, but cavities could also result in...
Mouthguards and Cavities
When playing sports, sleeping, or straightening your teeth, mouthguards perform an invaluable task of supporting and protecting your teeth. Sporting mouthguards offer protection during physical activities. Bite guards protect your teeth from grinding or clenching...
Don’t Fear Fillings
For more than a century, millions of individuals have used amalgam fillings to protect themselves from tooth decay. Amalgam silver is a tough, rigid, long-lasting material that dentists use to fill cavities. Usually, amalgam includes mercury, silver, tin and copper....
Are You at High Risk for Cavities?
Over 60% of children and adults in the United States deal with tooth decay and gum disease, and some individuals are more susceptible than others. So, how can you calculate your risk level? The Placerville Dental Group can help you determine that risk based on factors...
Dental Decay and Risk of Stroke
May is American Stroke Month in the United States. It is noteworthy to mention that May is also High Blood Pressure Awareness Month. These significant health conditions often go together. Dr. Jeffrey Saver, quoted on the American Heart Association website says,...
What to Know About Toothache
Toothache pain may come on suddenly and is difficult to treat without professional dental care. In fact, toothache is one of the most common reasons for emergency room visits, especially from the rural areas of Placer County. Cavities are the usual culprit of tooth...
Love Your Mouth
People like results. For many, faster is better. Therefore, if your teeth and gums aren't in their best condition, what can you do to experience a healthier, good-looking, pain-free mouth quickly? Brush and Floss Daily Do your gums bleed when you brush? If so, this is...
Don’t Let Tooth Decay Creep Up On You
October is over, but candy is still on the minds of many, including the dentists and hygienists at the Placerville Dental Group. Our Placerville dental professionals want you and your family to avoid the ghoulish results of tooth decay that haunt you long after...
What is Cracked Tooth Syndrome?
If you grind or clench your teeth, or have large fillings, your teeth may have very small cracks that are too tiny to show up on x-rays. This is called “cracked tooth syndrome.” How does this problem start and what are its symptoms? How Cracked Tooth Syndrome Starts...
Prevent Early Childhood Caries
Many parents do not realize that even healthy food and drinks like milk, breast milk, formula and fruit juice have naturally occurring sugars that contribute to the tooth decay process. When children go to bed with a bottle containing milk or carry around a sippy cup...