Crohn’s Disease and Dental Implants

Dental implants are replacement teeth that anchor into your jawbone. Since they are permanent replacements of lost teeth, they work better than detachable bridges or dentures. Not only are they long-lasting and reliable, but they look natural and offer an improved ability to chew. Dental implants are therefore increasing in popularity.

One potential complication for dental implants relates to Crohn’s disease, a condition of chronic inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract. About 780,000 people in America have the disease. It causes inflammation, sores and lesions in the tissues of the digestive system. Even the lips, gums, esophagus, and their teeth are potentially susceptible to issues from Crohn’s disease.

Relating the Two

People with Crohn’s disease often suffer from dehydration and dry mouth, primarily caused by bouts of diarrhea. Dry mouth leaves the gums and teeth vulnerable to acids in food and tooth decay. As a result, patients with Chrohn’s disease sometimes lose teeth to decay and need replacements. If the gums and bone are negatively affected by inflammation, they might also need dental work before they are ready to support dental implants. Grafting or periodontal treatment may be necessary at the start.

All Is Not Lost

At the Placerville Dental Group, having Crohn’s Disease does not automatically disqualify you for dental implants. We treat every patient with Crohn’s Disease on an individual basis. During your consultation, we examine the current condition of the disease, and discuss the issue with your primary medical provider. Patients with Crohn’s disease do suffer bodily rejection of dental implants at a higher rate than the rest of the popluation.

Whether you suffer from Crohn’s disease or not, dental implants are one of the best options for replacing missing or damaged teeth. To find out if dental implants are right for you, please call our office or schedule a consultation here on our website. Crohn’s Disease is difficult, but the Placerville Dental Group will help you bear it with a quality smile.


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