
A Placerville Fall

Enjoy the Seasons and Avoid Dental Disasters

We know fall is here when our local Placerville roads become packed with day-trippers to Apple Hill. Visiting to enjoy everything apple-related and other delicious treats, they may find us right out there with them. It’s still a bit toasty outside and our drought-parched trees may be losing their leaves because they’re thirsty, but we also know its fall because the season of pumpkin-spiced everything has arrived on local menus. And, not to be forgotten, even more treats are expected for those who like to knock on stranger’s doors and ask for candy, despite a parent’s usual warning that children should never talk to strangers or accept candy from them.

For those planning on eating a lot of candy and drinking as many pumpkin-spiced lattes and apple cider as possible until next year, your Placerville dentists (and cavity specialists) would like you to know you can have your lattes and as much cider as your heart desires while still keeping your teeth healthy!

Here are six things you can do to maintain your dental health this fall and beyond:

  • Eat that candy apple or drink sugary beverages with meals or right after mealtimes. Saliva contains minerals that help fight cavities. Saliva production in your mouth is highest right after eating, so give your teeth a fighting chance and have your treats when your mouth is ready. (Better yet, just eat an apple!)
  • Avoid hard candies and sticky treats, like taffy, that stay on your teeth long after you’ve eaten them. Gummies, sour and hard candies are especially abusive to tooth enamel. The stickier the candy, the longer it stays on your teeth and the harder it is for saliva to wash it away. That means bacteria get plenty of easily digestible food and tooth decay settles in for a cozy winter. After enjoying your candied apple and cider, rinse your mouth out with some water to be on the safe side, or chew some sugarfree gum.
  • Don’t let your regular dental hygiene routine go dormant this fall! Plaque and tartar don’t take a break, so neither should our daily dental care habits. To deal with all the extra vacation and travel eating, keep a toothbrush with you in your bag or car to brush after eating and drinking.
  • Offset your extra pumpkin spice latte and apple pie consumption with drinking more water. Staying hydrated reduces sugar cravings and washes away enamel-eroding sugar between brushing and flossing.
  • Make time to see the Placerville Dental Group for your semi-annual exam and cleaning. Regular check-ups prevent any bad candy consumption side effects, like cavities and extra tartar buildup that only lead to more dental problems in the future.

The Placerville Dental Group wants you to have a happy fall and enjoy all the delicious treats of the season. Just do it in a way that avoids a winter “gift” of toothache! We are here “treat” you and family year-round with excellent dental care available in the Placerville area!

Oct 22, 2015 | Oral Health


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