When to Extract Wisdom Teeth

When to Extract Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth come in last, between 17-25 years of age. If there is enough space in the jaw for these third molars, you can make full use of them. On the other hand, they may be impacted, squeezed beneath the second molars, leading to pain and damage to surrounding...
Implant Dentures and Sleep Apnea

Implant Dentures and Sleep Apnea

Many denture patients wish they still had their natural teeth. Dentures represent a big improvement over diseased and painful teeth, and are better than no teeth at all, but there are limitations to what dentures can do when compared to real teeth. Many denture...
Placerville Oral Cancer Screening

Placerville Oral Cancer Screening

Why do our Placerville dentists perform an oral cancer screening at every routine dental exam? Because cancer screening is easy to do, painless and can save your life! With some simple steps and understanding about the risks for oral cancer, our Placerville Dental...
If You Wear Braces…

If You Wear Braces…

Braces aren’t just for children and teenagers anymore! The Placerville Dental Group says it’s never too late to improve your oral health and get the extra confidence that comes from having a bright smile made up of straight teeth. If you are interested in orthodontic...
Dental Basics: A Clean Toothbrush

Dental Basics: A Clean Toothbrush

During cold and flu season, germs are everywhere. It’s nearly impossible to avoid becoming ill at least once in awhile, but you can still do your best to avoid danger from ordinary household items. If not cared for properly, one of the worst culprits can be your...