
Allergies and Dental Care

Allergies and Dental Care

Sinus pain, sore throat, runny nose and dry mouth are some of the most common symptoms of allergies. Pollen, dust or other irritants can put the body’s immune system in a state of overactivity to protect you from these foreign particles. If you have allergies, it is...

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Gum Disease and Psoriasis

Gum Disease and Psoriasis

A research study from Norway has confirmed a link between psoriasis and gum disease. The study found that people with psoriasis had an increased likelihood of also having periodontitis, a severe form of gum disease. Loss of the alveolar bone, the bone that forms the...

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Hairy Tongue

Hairy Tongue

Hairy tongue is a dental condition that is exactly as it sounds. People with hairy tongue do in fact have a tongue that seems hairy. Thankfully, there are treatments for hairy tongue, available from our Placerville dentists. Signs of Hairy Tongue Symptoms of hairy...

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Treating an Oral Abscess

Treating an Oral Abscess

A dental abscess can be excruciatingly painful. Usually found in infected gum tissue or in the roots of infected teeth, an abscess is formed when pus cannot drain from the jaw or oral cavity. Without proper care and treatment from one of our Placerville dentists, this...

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The Symptoms and Risks for Oral Cancer

The Symptoms and Risks for Oral Cancer

Things You Need to Know About Oral Cancer Visiting our Placerville dentists every six months is good for your mouth. An additional and potentially life-saving benefit to regular dental cleanings and exams is the opportunity to have our dental professionals check for...

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Take a Bite Out of TMJ

Take a Bite Out of TMJ

Help For TMJ Sufferers Facial pain, neck discomfort, jaw clicks and clacks, soreness, tenderness — TMJ sufferers experience all of this. First, we should point out that everyone has temporomandibular joints and jaw muscles, shortened to TMJ. They make it possible for...

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Sticking Up for Your Tongue

Sticking Up for Your Tongue

You Don't Have to Stick Your Neck Out to Care for This Important Organ Our last article sang the virtues of your incredible tongue. It helps you eat, chew, swallow, talk, sip, slurp and sing. It is one of the most used muscles in your body, so keeping your tongue...

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How to Fight Gum Disease

How to Fight Gum Disease

If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle. — The Art of War What would you do if brushing or combing your hair caused your scalp to bleed? Would you start to worry about what was wrong with your skin? Would you be concerned about a...

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