
electric toothbrush

Fancy Toothbrush Amenities

Fancy Toothbrush Amenities

With all the variety of toothbrushes available today, it can be difficult to choose which one is best for you. Travel down the dental aisle at the grocery store, and you might be intimidated with the wide assortment of colors, sizes, designs and brands, but there’s no...

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Choose the Right Toothbrush

Choose the Right Toothbrush

The correct tool for a job is almost as important as the job itself. We spend about 1,000 hours of our life brushing our teeth, so using the right toothbrush makes a big difference! Most people brush for less than a minute, but to have the best dental health, all...

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Should I Use An Electric Toothbrush?

Should I Use An Electric Toothbrush?

The electric toothbrush was first introduced in the United States in the 1950's. While a plain toothbrush works just fine for cleaning your teeth and applying fluoride to your enamel, the electric toothbrush does have two benefits. These benefits both lead to greater...

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