The All-on-4 Process

Identifying Suitable Jawbone for Implants

The All-on-4 process utilizes the strongest available jawbone to insert four dental implants. Therefore, the initial step involves a comprehensive evaluation of your facial bone. An oral assessment and 3-D x-rays identify areas with the best quality bone. This information lets your Placerville dentist formulate a plan for the type of dental implants, their ideal length, and the optimal angle of entry. For example, when the jawbone lacks depth, the All-on-4 process uses long, slim implants that are angled horizontally through the bone. This provides sufficient strength for attaching dentures by maximizing the available bone area.

Precise Drilling and Implantation

On the day of your implant operation, the Placerville Dental Group prepares all the components required for your new All-on-4 dentures. Four dental implants for each jaw, specifically selected based on your unique physiological features, are accompanied by four corresponding abutments that connect to the implants. These abutments are the base for your new denture. Our Placerville dentist meticulously preps each socket in your jawbone according to the prior examinations. Each dental implant is then anchored to your jaw.

Abutments are then affixed to each implant. These abutments secure the supports that hold your new dentures. Our in-house dental lab then steps in to craft a temporary denture that complements your new jawline. After verifying the fit and aesthetic of your new teeth, the initial procedure is concluded, and you leave our Placerville dental office with a full set of teeth.

Following the Healing Period

Any dental implant procedure results in some swelling in the jaw and gum tissues, necessitating a period of healing. After this healing phase, you return to the Placerville Dental Group for further digital measurements, enabling the creation of your final, permanent dentures. Once our in-house dental lab has completed these new dentures, we remove the temporary ones, affix the permanent set, and you are left with a stunning new smile, all thanks to the All-on-4 process and your Placerville dentist.

Please contact the Placerville Dental Group to ask about the All-on-4 process and our positive experiences with the procedure.

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