Three Strategies for Pain Management After Dental Care

Stop Pain without Opioids

With all that’s been in the news recently about the opioid epidemic and the misuse of pain relieving drugs, can you recover from oral surgery without risking addiction to medicines? Recovery from oral surgery, as with all medical procedures, is a process that takes days to weeks, depending on the treatment. Pain management is part of this process. Because of this, after care and pain management is discussed thoroughly with patients at the Placerville Dental Group. Therefore, here are three strategies that help patients experience effective pain relief after their dental procedures, without the use of opioid painkillers.

OTC Pain Medicines

Studies show that pain relief with over-the-counter (OTC) analgesics is just as effective at providing pain relief as opioids. Drowsiness, nausea and vomiting, itching and especially constipation are avoidable when opioids are not used to recover from oral surgery.


It may sound simplistic, but rest is crucial to speed up recovery from oral surgery. Overdoing it or trying to resume your normal routine too soon may result in pain that becomes hard to control. Resting helps the body repair itself, regulates blood pressure and reduces swelling. Before your dental procedure, we discuss with you how long recovery should take and how long to rest. We are also happy to provide a note for your work or school.


Along with rest and taking OTC pain medications as needed, hydration goes a long way towards keeping you comfortable. Water is essential for controlling prostaglandin and histamine responses that are associated with the inflammatory response to pain. Drinking water also improves blood circulation and thereby promotes healing.

Some dental procedures result in pain and discomfort afterwards. If you tried these strategies and are still finding your pain hard to manage, contact the Placerville Dental Group right away. We can discuss other pain management prescription treatments according to your individual needs and health history.

Aug 2, 2018 | Oral Surgery


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