
Preparing for Your Dental Visit

We all like to smile. A common reason our patients discuss dental procedures with us is because they want a better smile. In fact, it’s one of the primary goals of the Placerville Dental Group: to make your smile the best it can be, so you use it as often as possible. To help reach this goal, we maintain an organized, sanitized office with a relaxed atmosphere. We keep ourselves neat and tidy and practice what we preach by keeping our own oral hygiene maintained. We also like to smile during your visit and you can help us to do so. How? By preparing for your visit with us. Let’s discuss what you can do to bring a smile to our faces as we bring a smile to yours.

Dental Checkup “To Do” List

  • Arrive on time — no one likes to be in our waiting room longer than necessary, where the anxiety might build up as they wait. Arriving promptly, or even a few minutes ahead, keeps us on schedule. It’s also wise to keep your personal schedule open for an hour or so after the appointment, in case we find an unforeseen issue that needs to be addressed immediately.
  • Personal hygiene — just because you’re getting a professional cleaning at your checkup is no reason to skip your routine. Please follow your routing of flossing, brushing for two minutes, and using mouthwash before you arrive at your checkup. Doing so removes the everyday debris so we can get to the things your daily routine can’t. Not only that, but allowing us to benefit from your fresh, minty breath as we work will certainly bring a smile to our faces.
  • Other personal considerations — if you work a labor-intensive job or were working out at the gym before your visit, please clean up, if possible, before arriving. Copious sweat and odor might cause a distraction as we work. Also, please remove lip products, like lipstick and gloss. During a checkup, lips encounter things like x-ray machines, gloves, hand instruments, and even your own teeth.
  • Go above and beyond — think about your position in the dental chair, reclined to almost a horizontal position as we closely look over you. It would really help us smile if your ears and nose were as presentable as your mouth. Please consider using a Q-tip and nose trimmers to bring any stragglers in line.
  • Refrain from indulgences before your visit — some people become tempted to use alcohol, tobacco, or comfort foods to calm their nerves before a dental visit. It’s best to avoid such temptations, as they often leave unnecessary residue, debris and odors in your mouth that get in the way of your exam. Instead, we can help you deal with any anxiety over your visit though sleep dentistry, pharmaceuticals, or other means. (The indulgences can come afterwards!)
  • Accompanying Individuals – you might bring along a friend or family member for moral support, and a cheering section is a great way of coping with low levels of uneasiness. However, there might not be enough room to bring them back to the dental chair with you. Also, keep in mind that we cannot offer child supervision during your visit. If your children need supervision, please arrange for a friend, family member, or a qualified professional to watch over them during your procedure.

We want to make sure that your visit is pleasant, productive, and successful. It greatly helps to prepare for your visit by removing as many things that could become a distraction or concern beforehand (such as oral or facial jewelry). That allows us to give you our full attention, bringing you the best experience — and the best smile. And then we get to smile along with you!


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