
Are You at High Risk for Cavities?

Over 60% of children and adults in the United States deal with tooth decay and gum disease, and some individuals are more susceptible than others. So, how can you calculate your risk level? The Placerville Dental Group can help you determine that risk based on factors like your dental health history, lifetime dietary choices, and your practice of oral hygiene.

The Dental Past

Your current dental health provides a good baseline, but if you have a history of cavities, diminished tooth enamel, or exposed tooth roots, your risk of getting more cavities increases. A history of low salivary flow reduces your defense, and your former choices in snacks must be considered as well. Depending on what you have been through already, you might be vulnerable to recurring effects.

The Oral Hygiene Present

Maintaining a good oral hygiene routine is vital to lowering your risk for cavities. Such a routine includes flossing, brushing for two minutes twice a day, using mouthwash, and regular checkups with the Placerville Dental Group. It’s also important to maintain a healthy diet by limiting foods and drinks high in sugar or carbohydrates. Eliminating habits like tobacco and excessive alcohol use – both of which diminish your body’s defenses for your mouth – prevents outside factors from increasing your risk. If you wear braces, it can be a challenge to properly clean your teeth, and that could become fertile ground for cavities. When you visit us for your checkup, we assist you with tips to get the job done right.

The Dental Health Future

By looking at your past oral health and comparing it to your current health and status, we determine what to expect as the days go by. Whether it’s monitoring braces or preparing for dental implants, checking on wisdom teeth as they come in, or inspecting your fillings to make sure they aren’t compromised, keeping your appointments with the Placerville Dental Group will ensure your risk of cavities stays as low as possible.

To get a personal assessment on your level of cavity risk, please contact us to schedule an appointment.


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