Just Keep Swishing

Just Keep Swishing

Although making a “swish” in basketball might show a high level of skill or talent, sometimes it’s not much more than a fortunate throw. However, someone making a swish in their oral hygiene routine shows a high level of personal commitment to health and success every...
The Binky or the Thumb

The Binky or the Thumb

Seeing an ultrasound image of a fetus sucking its thumb is amazing. If a patient visits our Placerville office and brings in their infant, dozing away in a stroller while it sucks on a pacifier, it’s simply too adorable for us not to smile and say: “Awwww!” And when...
Oral Health in Spring

Oral Health in Spring

Spring is such a glorious time in Placerville! The sun shines, birds chirp, leaves and green grass return, and flowers bloom. Along with these pleasant springtime renewals, many people do spring cleaning or other tasks to prepare for the coming months of activity....
What Dentists Do for Sleep Apnea

What Dentists Do for Sleep Apnea

The Comfortable Way to Stop Snoring Is there a motorbike in the room? Is someone sawing logs? Snoring is an agitating sound. You seldom hear your own snoring, but you certainly hear others doing it when you try to fall asleep! This understandably causes frustration...